New Idea



They’ve long been considered Australia’s most eligible Bachelor and Bacheloret­te. And after being unlucky in love for quite some time, the rumour mill has gone into overdrive that TV vet Dr Chris Brown and radio star Jackie O Henderson have struck up a secret romance with each other.

“Word is they’ve been hanging out together in their shared hometown of Bondi,” an insider dishes to New Idea.

But a shared postcode isn’t the only thing the pair have in common.

They’re both Network Ten stars, with Jackie, 45, signed on with The Masked Singer, and Chris, 41, hosting a number of high-profile shows including I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!

Due to their celebrity profiles, the duo are believed to be keeping their budding relationsh­ip under wraps for now and sources say the coronaviru­s restrictio­ns have been a “blessing in disguise.”

“It’s actually been perfect timing for them because they have months to explore things in private without the added stress of being busted out in public together,” the insider reveals.

“They’re both very private people so hanging out at home away from any prying eyes suits them both perfectly.”

News of a possible romance for the mother of one – 9-yearold daughter Kitty – comes after Jackie O revealed she’d been contacted by a wellknown personalit­y on social media shortly after her split from husband Lee in 2018.

“You don’t know him [enough] to hang out with him, but you know him and you’ve met him.

“And he’s been in the studio before,” she told her radio co-host Kyle Sandilands, without revealing who.

Now, rumour has it that person was the hunky Bondi vet, Dr Chris.

“Chris goes for attractive blondes, so Jackie is very much his type,” the source continues.

“And vice versa! Jackie loves a handsome gentleman who looks after himself.”

 ??  ?? Dr Chris and Jackie O both live in Bondi.
Dr Chris and Jackie O both live in Bondi.
 ??  ??

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