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Australian TV royalty Bert Newton is looking healthier and happier than ever after he was rocked by health scares in the last few years.

In a photo posted to Instagram by his wife Patti, 75, Bert, 81, appeared in high spirits as he grinned with a bowl of salad in his hand.

Sources say Bert has shed up to 15kg, with the TV legend determined to make a big change to his health after battling illness recently.

“Bert is known as the ultimate survivor but when he had that health scare with the pneumonia back in 2017, it shook him to the core,” the insider says. “He realised he was actually vulnerable and that terrified him. He knew he had a close call and had to take far better care of himself.”

Bert also has anaemia, a condition where there is a decrease of red blood cells in his body, and in 2012 he underwent a quadruple bypass heart surgery. The grandfathe­r-offive sparked fears for his health late last year too when he was pictured looking frail.

Luckily, it appears Bert has well and truly recovered and is looking healthy as he approaches 82 – and his wife Patti has a lot to do with it.

“Patti is the driving force behind Bert and so very protective of her husband – always has been.

“When Bert had his health scare, it also scared the hell out of Patti and they both knew he had to change his ways,” the source adds.

“Patti put her foot down and insisted Bert slow down from the hectic pace of life he was keeping and also, very importantl­y, change his diet in all areas.

“She knew the serious illness was a warning and so responded to it at full force, and the way he’s looking right now says it all about living at an easier pace and with a far better and healthier eating plan. Salads, fruits and vegetables are in big supply in the Newton kitchen these days.”

Amazingly, TV veteran Bert has even lost weight.

“He also looks younger than he did five years ago. But behind all of that, it’s Patti who’s guiding the way,” the insider says.

“That’s why this marriage has lasted 45 years – and Patti wants it to have a few more years ahead yet!”

Bert and Patti appear to be strictly self-isolating during the coronaviru­s epidemic at their home in Melbourne. They’ll no doubt be looking forward to when they can spend more time with their daughter Lauren and their adored grandkids.

 ??  ?? Bert has been eating healthily and looks better than ever.
Bert has been eating healthily and looks better than ever.

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