New Idea

Stephen Peacocke is back in Informer 3838.



He’s one of Australia’s most sought-after television stars but Stephen Peacocke still has Hollywood in his sights.

In fact, he was headed straight back to LA once shooting wrapped on the second series of Five Bedrooms.

That’s when the coronaviru­s stepped in and derailed his plans. Filming on the second season of the Network Ten drama has had to be postponed for the safety of the cast and crew.

Stephen, co-star Kat Stewart and the rest of the Five Bedrooms cast, have been sent home until the crisis passes and filming can resume.

So for now, Stephen and his actress wife Bridgette Sneddon are still calling Australia home.

“I have always taken the attitude that I will work anywhere if the job is good and if I am lucky enough to get it,” Stephen, 38, says.

“I have been really lucky to have been able to cram all my Australian projects into six months. Once I am done, I will head back to LA.”

Stephen’s latest role is in Nine Network’s two-part drama, Informer 3838, and it’s a departure from the characters that he has played previously because it is based on a real person -- former drug squad officer Paul Dale.

To prepare himself for playing Paul, Stephen read the ex-policeman’s autobiogra­phy.

“He’s a complicate­d character,” Stephen says of Paul.

Stephen says his work on programs like Five Bedrooms and Channel Seven’s Wanted had allowed viewers to see beyond the role that made him famous – Home and Away’s River Boy Brax.

“I think the perception of me being a tattooed drug dealer has probably changed since I have taken on other roles,” he laughs of playing Brax.

“But I have never been precious about any of that. I am grateful to have a job and to have found an audience who wants to watch me.”

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 ??  ?? Right: Stephen played Darryl ‘Brax’ Braxton (centre) in
Home and Away.
Right: Stephen played Darryl ‘Brax’ Braxton (centre) in Home and Away.
 ??  ?? Informer 3838 is the story of lawyer Nicola Gobbo (Ella Scott Lynch, right), who informed on the underworld.
Informer 3838 is the story of lawyer Nicola Gobbo (Ella Scott Lynch, right), who informed on the underworld.
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