New Idea


- By Zoe Burrell

They have the perfect renovated home and now House Rules: High Stakes contestant­s Kayne and Aimee are planning on filling it with children.

The couple met several years ago when plumber, Aimee took a job on a constructi­on site where fellow plumber, Kayne, was the foreman and they fell head over heels.

Wanting to start their life together, the couple bought a house in their dream location, but unfortunat­ely it was far from perfect.

“When we got it, we knew we wanted to get a house we could fix up,” Aimee tells New Idea.

“I knew it was going to be our family home, and it’s something we can do up in the long-run. We moved in wanting to have kids in it, but we knew we couldn’t with the house the way it was.”

That’s when House Rules: High Stakes came to the rescue, and the young couple now have a newly renovated house.

“It was absolutely insane, I cannot describe how happy I was,” says Aimee.

“We walked in and we were like, ‘this is amazing’. It’s better than my wildest dreams could have imagined it.”

Now that the couple have their perfect family home, Aimee admits a wedding could be next for the couple.

“I think it will be on the cards soon,” she reveals with a giggle. “But I don’t know. I don’t really care about the label.”


However, Aimee does admit she has already thought about what sort of wedding she wants. “I’ve told Kayne a million times I want a blow-up chapel and to serve fish and chips and parmas,” she laughs.

And as for filling their home with kids, Aimee says it’s definitely something she is thinking about. “Look I never thought I would want kids and one of my best mates had a kid and she made me babysit and I was like, ‘Oh this thing is actually cute’,” she laughs. “I am sure it will happen in time.”

Of course, before they get to that stage, the couple still have to renovate five other teams’ homes.

And, after seeing what an amazing job the teams did on their house, Kayne and Aimee can’t wait to get stuck into renovating the other houses.

“We felt so grateful for our house,” shares Aimee. “They have given us a beautiful house and we need to do well in our renos to give back to them. Because we know how amazing the feeling is.”

However, this isn’t the first time Aimee has had her dream home. When she was in her early 20s, Aimee had it all – the house, the car and even a pet piglet. But, one morning, she decided to sell it all to travel around Australia.

“I was very materialis­tic, and it was all to try and impress others, but I woke up one day and I was like, ‘I can’t do this any more’. I didn’t want that kind of life,” she says.

“I thought, ‘I am going to live for experience­s’, and

I travelled around Australia and did a massive 500km walk by myself and

I really started to

enjoy life.” And she has done just that by combining her passions for trade work and travel by starting a business with her brother, building tiny homes for holiday rentals.

Now, as the first ‘lady tradie’ on the popular renovation show, Aimee wants to prove to women everywhere that they can all go after their goals.

“I love showing the women out there you can do it to,” she says. “You can give a trade a crack if you want to, so it’s really special.”

 ??  ?? Aimee decided she wanted her life to be about experience­s, not material things.
Aimee decided she wanted her life to be about experience­s, not material things.
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Kayne and Aimee would love to start a family in their newly renovated home.
THE COUPLE DISH ON GETTING THEIR DREAM HOME AND STARTING A FAMILY Kayne and Aimee would love to start a family in their newly renovated home.
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