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Jennifer Aniston is not coping at all with Brad Pitt’s growing connection with his new co-star Lady Gaga. Insiders on the LA set of the pair’s upcoming movie Bullet Train can reveal the 34-year-old singer has completely disarmed the entire crew – but no-one more than Brad, 57. impressive individual and Jen is right to be worried – Brad’s smitten!”

The singer was widely rumoured to be the reason Bradley Cooper split from his baby mama Irina Shayk after the two became super cosy while filming A Star Is Born. Gaga, who’s currently dating tech entreprene­ur, Michael Polansky, would call Bradley at all hours of the night and sources say it’s no different with Brad, who’s made it his mission to be her unofficial acting coach on Bullet Train.

“This is her first action movie, so she’s leaning on Brad a lot,” adds another insider. “She’s an ‘all or nothing’ kind of person. Already she’s been running lines with Brad after hours – he can’t resist. He’s obsessed with her. Gaga – or ‘Steph’, as he’s now allowed to call her – is all he can talk about. Her talent, her eyes, her voice, she can do this, that, everything.

Brad’s completely besotted by Gaga!”

Friends of Jen, 51, believe it’s bringing back terrible memories of the same behaviour she experience­d from Brad when he started filming Mr & Mrs Smith with his now ex-wife Angelina Jolie.

“He’s kind of half listening to her, very distracted and often making excuses to ‘take a work call’,” says the pal. “She’s seen him do this before with Angelina – and she’s also seen her old friend Bradley do the same thing to Irina when he was working with Gaga.

“Jen’s tearing her hair out with worry over what’s really going down on that set. Each day Brad seems more and more distant and she’s worried he’s become Gaga’s latest ‘muse’. She knows she can’t compete with Gaga’s raw talent, so there’s not much she can do without appearing like a nagging crazy shrew.

“All hell’s going to break loose, though, if she catches him ‘in rehearsals’ in the middle of the night. She’s been warned that’s Gaga’s

modus operandi.”


Sick of being alone while watching Brad Pitt get back in the dating game, Angelina Jolie is ready to put herself out there – but sadly, she’s already been rebuffed by none other than Nicolas Cage.

“They’re old friends and had a dalliance after filming Gone in 60 Seconds, so she thought she’d start easy and ask an old flame to dinner,” says a source.

“She likes her men a little on the wild side and kooky – and no-one is kookier than Nic. But she was left red-faced when he politely declined. His work has taken him to Europe mostly now, so he blamed a scheduling conflict, but Angelina knows that was just his way of saying no. She’s gone back to the drawing board with her tail between her legs.”

 ??  ?? Is history repeating itself for Jen, who’s only just repaired her relationsh­ip with Brad?
Is history repeating itself for Jen, who’s only just repaired her relationsh­ip with Brad?
 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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