New Idea




Did you know that you are considered the toddler of the Zodiac? It’s because you’re the first sign – it’s a wonderful thing. It accounts for your amazing spirit, get-up-and-go and innocence as you race into life. However, what are toddlers also famous for? Tantrums! Go easy this week. You could get hot under the collar. Especially at work or where friends are concerned.


It’s far more important to be considerat­e towards others than to be thinking about ourselves all the time, right? Decide where you stand on this now. As we head into the holiday season, you could find you are thinking about other people all the time and not tending to your own needs. That’s a pretty good recipe for strained mental health!


On the one hand we are told that we should be nice to each other. On the other hand, Librans are often accused of being people pleasers. People act as though being “nice like a Libran” is a bad thing. But it’s really not. This week, if someone is really making you angry, try to fall back on that kind, people-pleasing side of you. It could save yourself a lot of trouble.

CAPRICORN MAR 21 – APR 20 JUN 22 – JUL 23 SEP 24 – OCT 23 DEC 22 – JAN 20

Some people believe they were born lucky. Others will tell you how they never win anything. For the past couple of years, you’ve had the lucky planet Jupiter in your sign. Now it’s moved into your money zone, along with serious Saturn. From here on in, it’s more than likely going to be a case of the harder you work, the luckier you’re going to become financiall­y.


The worst thing you can do now is get really upset and bottle it all up. Now we’re amidst the silly season, it’s going to be very easy for you to become overwhelme­d by what you’re feeling. Maybe there’s too much Christmas cheer, maybe 2020 has just been too much. Aim to breathe through the upsets. At work, an amazing new cycle where you become the boss is beginning.


If being in a relationsh­ip is so complicate­d, why don’t more people want to be single? Maybe it’s because deep down we know that we’re here on this planet to grow. And there’s definitely no faster way to grow than being in a relationsh­ip with someone, particular­ly if that person pushes all our buttons. Think about this as we move towards 2021.


Most people say that their family relationsh­ips got better in 2020. Is this surprising? Maybe. After all, being ‘trapped’ with our loved ones isn’t easy. But maybe it’s just that we all realised who and what really matters and that changed the way we are. This week the focus shifts to home and family for you. Behave in a way that’s informed by this year.

AQUARIUS APR 21 – MAY 21 JUL 24 – AUG 23 OCT 24 – NOV 22 JAN 21 – FEB 19

The reason why we set goals is because there’s a pay-off when we achieve something. So whether you want to make more money, you want to move house or you just want to get the laundry done, putting it on your to-do list and fulfilling it feels great. As we move towards 2021, your secret to success and happiness lies in setting goals and ticking accomplish­ments off.


When I asked MM to run some errands for me, he started complainin­g about doing some – stating he would rather have his teeth pulled out. Tired, I offered if he would like to take my place at my dentist appointmen­t. “I guess you wouldn’t mind going to the dentist instead, then?” J. CLANCY, FAIRFIELD, NSW.


It was with great sadness I read of Jeanne Little’s passing. Jeanne was the brightest of lights and a much-loved Aussie treasure. I’ll never forget the day Jeanne made an unexpected visit to a shopping centre where I worked. Greeting everyone with her famous “Hellooo, daahling”, she drifted in and out of every store, chatting with customers and staff alike, and leaving behind a trail of happiness. While [her daughter] Katie and her family will miss this beautiful lady, I’m sure they’ll have a treasure trove of happy, fun memories to make them smile again. Special thanks to Katie for giving us a glimpse into her childhood, and for sharing her mother and the joy she spread, with so many people. JUDITH CAIN, DONVALE, VIC.


I saw a Sitting at a cafe recently, a boy woman with a baby and or 6. After who looked around 5 asked for they settled in, the boy “What money to buy a soft drink. asked. do you say?” his mum

“You are thin and beautiful”, handed he responded and she over the coins. I must admit, than that does sound better “Please and thank you!” MICHELLE WURFEL, HILLCREST, SA.

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