New Idea




We all know exercise is key, but blasting our way through exhausting reps of fast-paced crunches and burpees isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But what if there was another way?

It turns out that slowing those workouts down could be the answer to getting fit. And, while it may sound like you’re phoning it in, experts confirm you’ll still get an effective burn.

“Finding ‘stillness’ in your workout – or in anatomical terms, ‘isometric strength training’ – is when the muscle is contracted, but the joint angle and muscle length don’t change – like with planking,” explains Lizzie Bland, founder of Sydney’s Lean Bean Fitness.

It definitely works for Halle Berry! With the help of her trainer, Peter Lee Thomas, Halle focuses on exercises like squats and planks, holding the position for 30 seconds to a minute.

“These exercises not only help you with your physical strength and stamina, but they also encourage your mental strength and help you access your personal power,” says Halle, 54.

And if you thought stillness workouts were the lazy way out of a sweat session, think again!

“We’re always told ‘move more’ and ‘keep going’, so staying still is pretty much a rest break, right? Unfortunat­ely not,” says Lizzie. “Being still can increase your heart rate and get your body into fat-burning mode.”

The best moves? “A squat hold, hanging or a wall sit are great for building strength,” says Lizzie. “Hold the position for a minimum of 10 seconds, rest and repeat.”

We’re finding a spot in front of the telly as we speak!

 ??  ?? Hold a squat like Halle for the ultimate strength boost.
Hold a squat like Halle for the ultimate strength boost.

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