New Idea



Q I am not sure whether my boarder and I have romantic feelings for each other, or is it just our insecuriti­es? We have our ups and downs sometimes, and enjoy each other when we spend time together. What can you see in my stars?

MARY, AUCKLAND, NZ. A Romance could certainly strike as summer approaches, but if you’re after a secure, longterm relationsh­ip, this may not be the right person for you. By all means have some fun and enjoy each other’s company, but to avoid potential problems a year or two down the track, keep financial transactio­ns separate if you become lovers. I can see the attraction in your chart (along with a touch of obsession). Clear boundaries need to be drawn. Q I’m wondering if you can see any holidays or travel in my stars. I’m thinking about heading off in April or May next year, before winter sets in. SALLY, HOBART, TAS. A Overseas travel isn’t likely until 2024, but travel within Australia could be on the cards – particular­ly through autumn. With Jupiter spurring you on, you should enjoy it. You might even decide to stay longer in a region you used to go. It looks like a real trip down memory lane, so pack your stuff securely and keep your options open! Q Should we get another dog? My husband and kids want a companion for our 1-year-old puppy, but I’m the one who does all the feeding, grooming and cleaning up. With two young kids and a full-time job, I’m busy enough already! JULIE, PERTH, WA.

A Your Capricorn sun and Mercury show an organised, highly efficient person, but as you know, sometimes this can backfire. Before you cave in and get another pup, why not draw up a family roster for your current dog’s care? Give your husband and kids a couple of months to prove themselves, otherwise you could end up feeling overworked and resentful.

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