New Idea




Given she’s the daughter of renowned chef, Gordon Ramsay, there are high expectatio­ns for Tilly Ramsay as she enters the Celebrity Masterchef kitchen. But, the British TV personalit­y and influencer tells New Idea she’s only starting out when it comes to cooking...

What motivated you to sign up for the show?

I love a challenge and this is probably my biggest one yet! I’m always wanting to try something new, and I think this is a great opportunit­y to get out of my comfort zone and really push myself. What makes this extra challengin­g is that it’s all the way in Australia, where I’ve never been and I’m all by myself.

Are you nervous about the inevitable comparison­s to your dad?

Definitely, because he has set the Ramsay cooking standard super high! However, I have nowhere near as much training and experience as him, I’m only just starting out in my cooking journey – so in my opinion, we can’t really be compared.

Did he give you any advice for the show?

I asked for secret tips, but he doesn’t give much away! He told me to try to stay cool, calm and collected in the kitchen, because mistakes happen when you get flustered. He also told me to only use his recipes!

Will your family be watching and cheering you on? My family think I’m crazy taking on such a big challenge! Obviously dad is super, super happy that I’m following in his footsteps and all he says is that I better not be out first round. However, I know they are all supporting me and will be proud of me, no matter how I do.

What is your go-to comfort food? My all-time favourite comfort food is Mum’s bolognese. Nothing beats it, not even Dad’s! I’m really going to miss it when I’m away from her in Australia – and I know even if I try to make it myself, it just won’t be the same.


Liane Moriarty is no stranger to Hollywood, with her novels, Big Little Lies and Nine Perfect Strangers, both being adapted to the small screen.

While she has rubbed shoulders with the likes of Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoo­n, Liane says meeting Meryl Streep, who starred in Season 2 of Big Little Lies, left her in awe.

“It was a career highlight. I was very starstruck,”she tells New Idea.

However, that won’t be Liane’s last brush with Hollywood royalty, as the TV rights to her latest novel, Apples Never Fall, have already been picked up by Harry Potter producer, Daniel Heyman.

But, when it comes to the perfect cast for the series, Liane says she doesn’t have her eye on anyone in particular.

“I actually have not yet thought about the cast at all,” she reveals.

The book centres on former tennis coaches, Joy and Stan Delaney, and their four adult children. When Joy goes missing, her children begin to re-examine their parents’ marriage and their family history with fresh, frightened eyes.

Liane says the spark for the novel came after her sister sent her some writing prompts. “She texted me a few lines describing a bike lying on the side of the road with a few apples spilled on the ground next to it,” Liane explains. “That became the opening scene of Apples Never Fall.”

 ?? ?? Despite having met several Hollywood stars, Liane was still starstruck when she met Meryl Streep.
Despite having met several Hollywood stars, Liane was still starstruck when she met Meryl Streep.
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