New Idea



What the heck is a Squid Game? Is it a new attraction at Sea World? Or maybe a weird reality show where they build castles out of calamari? Well, after some sleuthing, I discovered it’s yet another of the MILLIONS of Netflix options – which exhausts me to even think about.

Admit it: when it comes to Netflix, you spend the first 30 to 40 minutes just trying to find a show to watch. And by the time you do, you’re too tired and frustrated to enjoy it. And as for the ‘Top 10 Hits’ column – don’t tell me what to watch, I’m not a following sheep! I got sucked into Tiger King and I swore never again!

Even when my nerdier friends recommende­d this Squid Game,

I was determined not to give it a go. But then I read the Korean series is not just number one in Australia, it’s also number one in all the 90 countries where Netflix is shown! OK, it’s time to climb off my high horse and give the Squid a squizz.

In a nutshell, Squid Game is The Hunger Games meets Gladiator – desperate, debtridden folks duke it out to win big bucks, while the wealthy watch and laugh.

The twist is the games they’re playing are the kid games we played during school recess – think Red Light/green Light, Tug of War, Marbles – except if they don’t win, they die. Charming.

Then something weird happened. Somewhere between the games, the death, the weirdness and the drama, I started to care about these down-on-their-luck characters. And while I started rooting for them to win, I developed that anxious pit in my stomach knowing that someone, maybe even my favourite, isn’t gonna make it to the end.

Oh no: I got hooked again! I hate it when this happens. Tiger King. Bridgerton. Squid Game. Baa, Baa, Baa – turns out I really am a sheep. Argh. Anyone got any Netflix suggestion­s for me?

Follow Richard on Instagram @the_richardrei­d and Twitter @Rreidsholl­ywood

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