New Idea

Refresh your SOCIAL SKILLS!



As we look toward a time of greater freedoms, it’s a period of optimism and hope. Despite this, after long months of social distancing, lockdowns and restrictio­ns, going out and seeing loved ones could feel a little more awkward for some of us than expected.

Dr Jodi Richardson, a researcher, educator and author of Anxious Mums, says it’s totally normal to feel this way. “It’s natural, because our social skills are like any skills that require practise,” she explains. “If we haven’t used them for a while, they’re bound to be a little bit rusty.”


These problems can be compounded for people with social anxiety – which affects around 11 per cent of Australian­s at some point in their life. If you think you may be struggling, Dr Richardson recommends trying the many resources on offer, such as Beyond Blue (beyondblue., 1300 22 4636), or consulting your GP.

“I would also encourage anyone with social anxiety disorder to really take their time and be kind to themselves,” she adds. “But they definitely will be able to build those skills back up over time.”


“A lot of new mothers also haven’t had their parents around for some support, additional help and experience,” Dr Richardson says. For mums who have missed extra social interactio­n over lockdown, she suggests joining a support group.

“There are a lot of great forums online … for mums to connect with each other,” says Dr Richardson. “There is a wonderful organisati­on called Mums Who Wine (mumswhowin­, which is Australia-wide [and] really focused on connecting mums, as well as social and mental health support.”


The good news is most people will likely readjust in their own time without too much trouble.

“I expect that people will get back to a semblance of normality when the dust settles, but it’s going to take time and some people will bounce back more quickly than others,” says Dr Richardson. “I really encourage people just to take their time and be a bit deliberate about the social arrangemen­ts they make.”

Anxious Mums by Dr Jodi Richardson ($34.99, Penguin Life).

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