New Idea



QCan you see my health improving and a better job coming for me?


ASaturn transits can be trying, especially when they affect our health. Underlying problems may have flared over the past year, but with a little luck, things should improve through summer. Best of all, your energy levels should receive a boost, which will lift your whole outlook.

If your current job is getting you down, I would suggest hanging in there until late January. Then, if you still feel unhappy, look around in February. With Jupiter providing a helping hand, things might fall into place quickly.

QShould I finish my degree in teaching or switch to journalism?


AYour aptitude for writing shows clearly, but so does a talent for teaching and talking. Why not finish your teaching degree, then chip away at creative writing or media studies over the next few years? With your caring Cancerian nature, I feel that teaching will bring great satisfacti­on. But you never know... as you get older, your inner novelist might emerge!

QI’m wondering what star sign my best match might be? I have a Pisces sun and a Scorpio moon. SARAH, BRISBANE, QLD.

AWith all that water in your chart (Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer are all ruled by ‘water element’,) you would benefit most from someone with plenty of earth in their chart – that’s Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn. Fellow water signs may resonate, but as

you have no earth, the relationsh­ip might lack stability and practicali­ty. Earth needs water to keep it fertile and nourished, just as water needs earth to keep it contained, like a beautiful lake. As they say, opposites attract!

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