New Idea



Write the answers to the clues below into the grid in a clockwise spiral starting at number 1, where the arrow points you in the right direction. The final letter of every answer becomes the first letter of the next. When the puzzle is complete, the coloured squares, reading diagonally downwards, will reveal a hidden word.


1 Jeans fabric (5)

2 Internet connection device (5)

3 Breaker –, Bryan Brown film (6)

4 Harry S –, US President 1945-’53 (6)

5 Lacking breadth (6)

6 Dances with –, Kevin Costner film (6)

7 Crackly radio interferen­ce (6) 8 Insatiable desire (7)

9 Surface sheen, lustre (5)

10 American term for prawn (6)

 ?? ??

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