New Idea




It will be simply wonderful and both Duchess Catherine

Princess Mary ascend their become respective thrones and

Princess queens in their countries. that she

Mary told Duchess Catherine both with a fourth child and should add to her brood when thought the same thing my grandmothe­r and I

Prince Louis. I think she she gave birth to her third, will name her Alice Victoria will have another girl and and Princess Mary are Caroline. Duchess Catherine great inside and out, and are simply beautiful women may women everywhere. Long role models for young


 ?? ?? My poor Jack Russell puppy had her vaccinatio­ns, and as you can probably tell, it took a lot out of her! STEPHANIE ANN SELTER, RACEVIEW, QLD.
My poor Jack Russell puppy had her vaccinatio­ns, and as you can probably tell, it took a lot out of her! STEPHANIE ANN SELTER, RACEVIEW, QLD.
 ?? ?? This is my goldfish, Romeo. He has a black heart-shaped marking on him, like a tattoo, with an arrow through it near histail. He is always lucky in love. INGRID BROUWER, SUNSHINE COAST, QLD.
This is my goldfish, Romeo. He has a black heart-shaped marking on him, like a tattoo, with an arrow through it near histail. He is always lucky in love. INGRID BROUWER, SUNSHINE COAST, QLD.

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