New Idea



Q I keep applying for cleaning and cooking jobs and am barely getting any interviews.

I am experience­d in both areas so it doesn’t make any sense. Do you have any suggestion­s? I’m losing confidence in myself and am starting to feel quite down about things. – Anna, Gold Coast, QLD A It’s tough when you lose that spring in your step! Spring should bring more opportunit­ies for work, but in the meantime, seek out some support. Saturn transits can trigger serious depression for some, so if this is the case, see your doctor and organise a few counsellin­g sessions. Simply talking should help, so don’t delay. Things should look so much brighter by summer! Q My 17-year old daughter wants to study fashion design, but it seems like a bit of a teenage fantasy to me. I would prefer her to do teaching or nursing, but what can you see in her stars? – Julie, Newcastle, NSW A Feeling passionate about a subject is one of life’s greatest joys, so I would encourage your daughter to explore her interests and keep those dreams alive. Her chart shows plenty of creativity and a genuine love for colour and style, so designing is not an unrealisti­c ambition – and if the gloss wears off, she can always add a masters of education and become a teacher.


I would love to learn more about my karma and spiritual

path. I’ve become quite fascinated with foreign religions and have started to meditate every morning. Can you see anything interestin­g coming up for me? – Chris, Adelaide, SA A

As Neptune – the ruler of dreams, magic and music – moves closer to your Pisces-ruled

sun and Mercury, your desire to explore life’s spiritual and artistic realms is likely to intensify. Daily meditation is a great start. As you switch off from external chatter, you might even tap into hidden healing or artistic abilities, so follow your heart and keep exploring!

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