New Idea

Ankur’s shock HEALTH CRISIS



Adverse weather conditions and it’s remote location saw this year’s season of The Block labelled the “toughest ever” – and Sharon and Ankur have been the first to admit they’ve struggled big time.

“It was brutal … absolutely brutal,” Sharon tells New Idea of the three months they spent filming in Victoria’s Gisborne region.

But it wasn’t just the endless rain and the cold and muddy conditions that took its toll on House 3’s inexperien­ced renovators. The pair were constantly locked in a feud with their builders, and were left stunned when host Scott Cam stepped in to appoint a financial expert to oversee all of their expenses.

The experience was especially stinging for Ankur, given he works as an accountant. On top of this, his startling weight loss during filming has left many worried – particular­ly his wife.

“Anks has lost nearly 11kg,” Sharon explains. “He looks malnourish­ed and anorexic.”

Ankur’s transforma­tion,

which had concerned viewers describing him as “tired looking” and “gaunt”, left the crew in very real fear for his health.

“It’s fair to say he looked like he was ready to keel over at any minute,” an on-set insider tells us.

“Collapsing on a building site is incredibly dangerous and can wind up with someone being seriously injured or worse.”

Former Neighbours star Sharon admits her hubby is still struggling postfilmin­g, and says it’ll take him a long time to recover. While Sharon has regularly attended red-carpet events since they returned to their normal lives while awaiting the grand finale auction, Ankur has rarely been seen.

“I talk about [the show] all the time and Ankur’s like, ‘Can you shut up about The Block?’” Sharon tells us, while adding, “He says, “I’ve got PTSD from the whole experience.’”

 ?? ?? Ankur’s dropped 11kg filming
The Block.
Ankur’s dropped 11kg filming The Block.
 ?? ?? The show has taken a toll on
Sharon too.
The show has taken a toll on Sharon too.
 ?? ??

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