New Zealand Classic Car



In many cases, the ‘ best’ garages aren’t necessaril­y those that are the best equipped, but the ones that are the best designed. Of course, what’s best for you is totally dependent upon your needs or preference­s — for some of us, tools and equipment will always take priority, while others prefer a degree of tidiness. But there is no reason you can’t have both, and a garage, where efforts have been made to achieve the best in both usability and functional­ity, will always stand out as an environmen­t for man and machine to coexist.

What are we talking about? As classic car owners, we all want the space we share with our cars to be as user-friendly as can be, and beyond the ‘essentials’, like tools, memorabili­a, and the ever-important ‘man cave’ area, you reach the true essentials — things like lighting, security, and even something you may not have given a second thought: drainage.

As global climate change is generally accepted as causing more frequent extreme rainfall events, ACO’S innovation has seen the developmen­t of products and system solutions to manage these events. Effectivel­y dealing with storm-water run-off is crucial in any garage plan. The reasons are clear — just as excessive exposure to moisture will take its toll on your car, it will also affect your garage. Not only can standing water cause severe structural damage, but it may also infiltrate the garage, leading to water damage, formation of mould, and fungal infection.

Brought to you by Aco Limited

However, effective surface-drainage management can be accomplish­ed without excessive hassle through the use of either grated pits or grated trench drains, such as those manufactur­ed by ACO. Comparison­s have shown modular trench drains to have lower total installed costs.

Grated pits are one solution, positioned in front of the garage door. However, they may miss the surface run-off if the driveway is not contoured towards each pit. This is difficult to do and not very aesthetica­lly pleasing. The alternativ­e, grated trench drains, can work far better in such situations.

A grated trench drain allows efficient intercepti­on for a flat-level driveway. The trench drain can be positioned parallel to the garage entrance, intercepti­ng all water run- off that is directed towards the entrance. Essentiall­y, it’s easier to set up, nicer to look at, more efficient at surface drainage, and will even last longer, if installed properly.

ACO has an extensive range of grates, suitable for any drainage solution required. Contact ACO on 0800 448 080, or visit, if you’d like to learn more about how you can transform your garage from a space for storing your car, into a place for sharing with your car.

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