New Zealand Classic Car

Hero Car Hire Limited CLASSIC CORVETTE

L Withthetop down,thewind V8rumbling in your hair, up ahead, you’ll andthe carissucha­n soonseewhy style iconic classic. this and lines, With its timeless colour complemen combinatio­n tedbyaperf­ect cartousefo­r beamoreper­fect ,whatcould aphotoshoo­t pho


et’s face it, we are all still kids at heart, even if our bodies tell us otherwise – so, when we came across the new specialty car hire business, Hero Car Hire, the kid inside us all switched into overdrive and we couldn’t wait to find out more.

The concept for Hero Car Hire came from the continuous flow of requests to show and share the star of the line-up — a stunning replica of probably the best-known movie car ever: the Delorean time machine from Back to the Future.

The owner of this time-travelling Delorean, and of Hero Car Hire Ltd, Mat Bedogni, said: “I was told by many people I had to share this [the Delorean] with the world and not keep it locked up in my garage.”

That got Mat thinking about how this might work as a business. As he also had a fully working replica of one of television’s most famous cars — KITT, the talking Trans Am from — the idea was born to offer both vehicles for hire. The cars could be used by advertisin­g agencies and for film shoots, weddings, static displays, and corporate events, or even by individual­s who wanted go for a ride and get some photos taken with the car of their dreams.

In movies there are ‘ hero’ and ‘stunt’ vehicles, costumes, and props. That is where the name of the company originates — the ‘ hero’ cars are the ones that are used for close-ups. Consequent­ly, they are usually more highly detailed than the more basic ‘stunt’ cars that are used for chases and general

RT/10, and the retro-looking Ford GT, amongst others. There is even a 1958 American boat for hire – a gorgeous period vessel kitted out with fins that would be the envy of any Cadillac owner.

The options for how these cars can be used are numerous, with Hero Car Hire more than happy to help dream up the best way to bring their customers’ ideas to fruition through their car of choice. The most popular option is a static display for a corporate event or a party.

Although the term ‘ hire’ is in the name, this is not a car rental business so there is no option of self-driving any of the cars. However, talking from experience, being a passenger in these cars still makes for a thrilling ride.

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