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How food can influence your moods

Eating well is good for our physical well-being but it can also benefit our mental health and decrease our risk of depression and anxiety


MENTAL health disorders are increasing at an alarming rate, however there is evidence that dietary changes can decrease the developmen­t of mental health issues and alleviate this growing problem.

Recently there have been major advances addressing the influence certain foods have on psychologi­cal well-being.

1. Complex carbohydra­tes

One way to increase psychologi­cal well-being is by fuelling brain cells correctly through the carbohydra­tes in our food. Complex carbohydra­tes are sugars made up of large molecules contained within fibre and starch. They are found in fruit, vegetables and whole grains and are beneficial for brain health as they release glucose slowly into our system. This helps stabilise our mood. Simple carbohydra­tes found in sugary snacks and drinks create sugar highs and lows that rapidly increase and decrease feelings of happiness and produce a negative effect on our psychologi­cal well-being. We often use these types of sugary foods to comfort us when we’re feeling down. But this can create an addiction-like response in the brain, similar to illicit drugs, that increases mood for the short term but has negative long-term effects.

Increasing intake of complex carbohydra­tes and decreasing sugary drinks and snacks could be the first step in increased happiness and well-being.

2. Antioxidan­ts

Oxidation is a normal process our cells carry out to function. Oxidation produces energy for our body and brain. Unfortunat­ely, this process also creates oxidative stress and more of this happens in the brain than any other part of the body.

Chemicals that promote happiness in the brain such as dopamine and serotonin are reduced due to oxidation and this can contribute to a decrease in mental health. Antioxidan­ts found in brightly coloured foods such as fruit and vegetables act as a defence against oxidative stress and inflammati­on in the brain and body. Antioxidan­ts also repair oxidative damage and scavenge free radicals that cause cell damage in the brain. Eating more antioxidan­t-rich foods can increase the feel-good chemicals in our brain and heighten mood.

3. Omega 3

Omega 3s are polyunsatu­rated fatty acids that are involved in the process of converting food into energy. They are important for the health of the brain and the communicat­ion of its feel-good chemicals dopamine, serotonin and norepineph­rine.

Omega 3 fatty acids are commonly found in oily fish, nuts, seeds, leafy vegetables, eggs and grass-fed meats. Omega 3 has been found to increase brain functionin­g, can slow down the progressio­n of dementia and may improve symptoms of depression.

Omega 3 are essential nutrients that are not readily produced by the body and can only be found in the foods we eat, so it’s imperative we include more foods high in omega 3 in our everyday diet.

4. B vitamins

B vitamins play a large role in the production of our brain’s happiness chemicals serotonin and dopamine and can be found in green vegetables, beans, bananas and beetroot. High amounts of vitamins B6, B12 and folate in the diet have been known to protect against depression and too low amounts to increase the severity of symptoms.

Vitamin B deficiency can result in a reduced production of happiness chemicals in our brain and can lead to the onset of low mood that could lead to mental health issues over a long period. Increasing B vitamins in our diet could increase the production of the feel-good chemicals in our brain that promote happiness and well-being.

5. Prebiotics and probiotics

The trillions of good and bad bacteria living in our tummies also influence our mood, behaviour and brain health. Chemical messengers produced in our stomach influence our emotions, appetite and our reactions to stressful situations.

Prebiotics and probiotics found in yoghurt, cheese and fermented foods such as kombucha, sauerkraut and kimchi work on the same pathways in the brain as antidepres­sant medication­s and studies have found they might have similar effects.

Prebiotics and probiotics have been found to suppress immune reactions in the body, reduce inflammati­on in the brain, decrease depressed and anxious states and elevate happy emotions.

■ Megan Lee is an academic tutor and lecturer at Southern Cross University, studying a PHD on dietary patterns and depression. Joanne Bradbury is a lecturer in evidence-based healthcare at Southern Cross University. This is an edited version of an article that originally appeared on The Conversati­on.

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