

Use ViewNX-Movie Editor to combine stills, clips, text and transition­s with ease


01 Storyboard panel The storyboard presents your clips and photos as a series of thumbnails that play one after another in order. Other video editing apps tend to refer to the storyboard as the timeline. As with most video editing apps, ViewNX-Movie’s storyboard is non-linear (see Jargon Buster, bottom left).

02 Add assets Click on this icon to jump back to ViewNX-i’s workspace. Here you can click on thumbnails to select which video clips and photograph­s you want to cut together to make your edited movie sequence.

03 Thumbnails These thumbnails indicate the order in which the clips and stills will play in your edited movie. You’ll also see thumbnails for titles and still images. If you scrub the cursor along a thumbnail you can preview the frames of that particular video clip.

04 Styles Each style in this dropdown menu adds a different type of transition between the clips on the storyboard. The Standard style places a mix (or dissolve) between each shot, which is a transition that harks back to the earliest days of movie-making. If you want to create a

trailer, then the Fade in/Fade out style will make each clip fade in and out from black. In our example we’ve chosen Wipe, so you can see bits of adjacent clips on screen at the same time during the transition. The Random style adds a mix of dissolves, fades and wipes. If you have a series of time-lapse stills to stitch into a movie, then use the Stop motion style. This makes each still shot in the sequence run consecutiv­ely in rapid succession, for a flickering movie effect.

05 Decoration­s and Durations This panel enables you to add free sample music tracks to enhance your video sequence. You can add your own audio tracks if they are in .wav or .m4a format. You can also tick a box to add tilt up or tilt down rostrum-camera-style movements to any static photos in the storyboard, making things more dynamic.

06 Give it the chop Some clips will be too long and maybe contain unwanted camera shake. By clicking on the scissor icon you can summon the Duration Settings window and trim them.

07 Duration Settings The Duration Settings window enables you to trim the clip to shorten it or lose problemati­c camera work such as shake when you stop or start filming. Simply drag these vertical in and out bars to choose which bits of the clip to retain. Click on OK to apply the trim.

08 Edit Opening Clip By clicking here you can summon the Text Settings window. This enables you to add an opening title to your programme. You can also add captions and end credits to your photos and movie fragments using the Insert Message Clip and Edit Ending Clip buttons. You can change the font and background colour in the Text Settings window so that your captions suit your video’s subject matter.

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