
Create beautiful canvas prints

Display your family portraits with pride on a premium CEWE canvas print


Canvas has long been the material of choice for portraitur­e, used by the great artists since the days of the Renaissanc­e. And it’s just as versatile today for displaying digital portraits shot on your Nikon as it is those created by the strokes of a paintbrush.

With a huge range of style and size options, there’s no better way to commit your photos to canvas than with CEWE.

CEWE Canvas prints

CEWE’S canvas prints offer unsurpasse­d quality. They are digitally printed using a modern, high-quality 12-colour process that offers vibrant colours and a reflection-free finish, while Uv-resistant ink means your canvas will be durable and stay beautiful for years to come. CEWE canvas prints are made with 340gsm premium polycotton canvas with a subtle textured finish and are hand-mounted onto a sturdy 2cm-thick pinewood frame (4cm for canvases larger than 80x80cm) and finished with artist backing tape, delivered ready to hang. They are available in six different styles of frame in vast a range of sizes, from 20cm square to well over a metre both horizontal­ly and vertically for statement masterpiec­es.

Every photo is unique and tells its own story. That’s why CEWE offer five different types of photo canvas print, giving you more options as to how your images are presented, so you can display your story, your own way. Let’s check out the options…

Classic Canvas print from £12.99

A classic canvas print is a truly versatile piece of personaliz­ed art that suits any home and every style.

Collage Canvas print from £12.99

Can’t decide which image to feature? With a collage canvas print you can use them all! Mix and match up to 37 photograph­s.

panoramic Canvas print from £29.99

Ideal for showcasing wide group shots of big family gatherings and wedding guests.

Framed Canvas print from £19.99

Choose from two styles, each available in three colour choices featuring a 5mm shadow gap that sets the canvas back from the frame to create a lovely 3D effect.

Multi panel Canvas print from £39.98

Create your own beautiful work of art over multiple pieces of stretched canvas, for a modern, eye-catching look. It’s a great way to exhibit your very best family photos.

HOW to Create With CEWE

You can design your Canvas Prints online or with the CEWE award-winning downloadab­le software. The software is free and offers limitless creativity. You can also create and save your projects offline, and work on them in your own time.

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