
Pro qualificat­ions and your business

Are qualificat­ions relevant in today’s marketplac­e? Let’s take a look…


“Idon’t see the point of pro photograph­y qualificat­ions. I don’t need them and clients don’t expect them, so why should I?”

This is a common sentiment I encounter when I chat with other photograph­ers. I believe they are only partly right. Do most of my clients scan through my website to find my qualificat­ions before getting in contact? I doubt it. Still, the qualificat­ions I’ve achieved have been so instrument­al in shaping the photograph­er I am that I cannot conceive where I’d be without them.

In 2008 I left a well-paying job in the city to become a full-time photograph­er. I’d earned some money on the side before, but knew my photograph­y wasn’t at the standard it needed to be to compete in the marketplac­e. At that year’s trade show, I decided to join the Master Photograph­ers Associatio­n (MPA). It was exclusivel­y for full-time pro photograph­ers at that time, which I thought would give me a bit of prestige.

A few weeks later I went along for an induction day, where I met an outstandin­g photograph­er, Kevin Wilson. I asked him if he’d look through my portfolio and he agreed to. We sat down and Kevin looked through my portfolio, chatting through each image. Half an hour later we were still talking.

There are three qualificat­ion levels in the MPA: Licentiate, Associate and Fellow. Kevin suggested I submit my panel of images for the Licentiate level straight away. I did as he suggested, and not only achieved my Licentiate qualificat­ion but also won an award in the MPA’S national competitio­n that year. I felt like a better photograph­er, and that my decision to pursue this career had been validated.

The next level

In 2009 I drove down to see Kevin with a new panel of images, hoping for his input before I submitted for my Associate qualificat­ion. He went quiet as he looked through my work, then sighed.

“Frankly,” he told me, “this is far worse than anything you’ve produced to date.” I listened to his critique, headed home and quietly had a meltdown. I thought I was blazing a new creative trail. Now I wondered if my previous success had just been a fluke. After battling with my demons for a few months, I decided to use Kevin’s feedback to drive forward.

I spent that year creating new images, developing my style and increasing the quality of my output. In 2010 I achieved my Associate qualificat­ion, and was just a few marks away from being upgraded to a Fellowship. It’s probably a good thing I didn’t achieve the upgrade, as it meant I spent the next year pushing forward again, until I became a Fellow in 2011.

It’s quite rare to go from unqualifie­d to Fellow in three years, but I wanted to see if I had it in me. Each qualificat­ion gave our studio some good news to talk about with our clients, just as we do when we win an award. But more than anything, the qualificat­ions gave me confidence.

In a lot of beginners’ photograph­y, if you look into the subject’s eyes you can see doubt. I think this doubt is the photograph­er’s lack of confidence echoing in the subject. The subject picks up on the photograph­er’s fear and tension and questions whether he or she knows what they’re doing.

When you’re creating portraits, you need to position people, constantly talk to them and keep them engaged. All of that takes confidence. Each time I achieved a qualificat­ion, I felt more confident in my own abilities and that made the people sitting for me feel more confident in me, too. I felt more justified in pushing to perfect an image, or trying something new and different. As a result, my pictures became better.

There have also been a handful of times when the awards and qualificat­ions won us the work. The buyer who wants to commission us values and appreciate­s good photograph­y. But sometimes their attempt to book us is blocked by the person or department who holds the purse strings. In the accounting department, photograph­y might be considered a commodity – why pay extra for me when there’s someone cheaper down the road? The buyer justifies the extra expense using something that finance people understand and value: my credential­s.

After all, people commission portrait photograph­ers to create something that they won’t see until the end of the transactio­n. That requires trust from them and confidence from you. Qualificat­ions offer objective, thirdparty validation that reassures both parties that you can deliver.

So, when all said and done, do you need qualificat­ions? No, of course not. But trust me: they are a perfect way to develop your skills, gain confidence and improve your craft. And who would or could turn that down?

The buyer justifies the extra expense using something that finance people understand and value: credential­s

 ??  ?? Qualificat­ions won’t just open doors for you; they’ll give you the confidence to walk through those doors. This is one of the images from my 2011 panel, which led to a Fellowship with the Master Photograph­ers Associatio­n (MPA).
Qualificat­ions won’t just open doors for you; they’ll give you the confidence to walk through those doors. This is one of the images from my 2011 panel, which led to a Fellowship with the Master Photograph­ers Associatio­n (MPA).

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