
Parting Shot

Mike Harris addresses the elephant in the room, and suggests a few ways we can keep shooting during this difficult time


And now a message from us, to you, in these troubled times

It’s been a challengin­g few weeks, and it’s likely we’ll have more challenges to face going forward. Every industry and individual has been affected by the coronaviru­s outbreak in some way, and photograph­y is certainly no different.

I had initially reserved this spot for talk of witnessing the D6 and meeting N-photo readers at The Photograph­y Show. But as you’re probably aware, the event has been postponed until 19-22 September. The D6 release too has been pushed back until May, but during this period of uncertaint­y other matters must take precedence. And yet it’s still important to have a positive outlet.

Think outside the softbox

While the nation battens down the hatches, we might all have to become a little more creative when it comes to taking photos, but there are plenty of projects you can try at home. Just last issue I took macro photos with a standard lens and a cheap reversing ring from the comfort of my own kitchen.

In this issue you’ve probably already read James Paterson’s guide to focus stacking and panoramic stitching (page 58), which takes macro photograph­y a step further. A good portion of us might be tempted to try a new genre too. A clear night and a full moon encouraged me to have a bash at lunar photograph­y from my landing window (more on that next issue). Not only was it a success, but being inside made the whole experience much more comfortabl­e – I had an infinite supply of tea and biscuits!

Time spent indoors is also the perfect excuse to brush up on your editing skills. Perhaps you’ve never really understood layer masks, you’ve been meaning to try Affinity Photo or you never nailed the basics of Photoshop. Now’s your chance! I for one have a hard drive full of unedited Raws, which I’ve been putting off filtering through for months – and the work doesn’t stop there...

I’m all too aware that my discipline when it comes to naming and storing files leaves a lot to be desired. Well, I’ve made up my mind. Now’s the time to get everything backed up and filed correctly. I might just take George Cairns’ advice and download Nikon Image Space (page 56) too.

With all that in mind, some of us could be busier than ever. Photograph­y is an important outlet for us all, so where possible, let’s make the most of this difficult situation. Until next month, stay safe and keep shooting.

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