
Macro prime marvel

Understand how and why you can bring minute models to life


Some zoom lenses bear the title ‘macro’, even though they only deliver a max magnificat­ion of around 0.3x or 1:3.3. Similarly, some macro prime lenses only give a max magnificat­ion factor of 0.5x or 1:2. All of the lenses we’ve chosen deliver a full 1.0x magnificat­ion. But if you’re shooting with a DX body, the 1.5x crop of the smaller sensor gives greater effective magnificat­ion.

Macro shooting demands a high level of precision. Depth of field can be wafer-thin, even when using medium to narrow apertures, so focusing is critical. Indeed, you can be better off using manual focusing instead of AF, and selecting a magnified Live View image to accurately focus on the most critical part of the object you’re shooting. Some upmarket Nikon cameras, including the D850, Z 6 and Z 7, have a ‘Focus shift shooting’ menu option. This enables you to set up a series of sequential shots in which the focus distance is slightly altered from frame to frame. The resultant collection of images can then be merged to enlarge the effective depth of field with a process called ‘focus stacking’.

Another challenge is that even slight movement caused by camera-shake, mirror-bounce or shutter-shock can decrease the sharpness of an image. For extreme close-ups, a tripod, or other sturdy support, is all but essential. Most Nikon DSLRS, apart from the most entry-level models, have an ‘Exposure delay mode’ menu option, which creates a pause between the reflex mirror flipping up and the shutter opening. This gives the camera a chance to settle and for any vibrations to die down, effectivel­y eliminatin­g mirrorboun­ce. You can also use Live View mode, so the mirror remains in its upward position.

To reduce shutter-shock, the same cameras mentioned above have an option for using an electronic front curtain for the exposure. ‘Silent’ shooting with a fully electronic shutter can also available. Even so, you need to eliminate any movement on the part of the subject you’re shooting. An effective way of doing this is to use a fast shutter speed under lighting, or to use a flashgun, which can help to freeze any movement thanks to the short duration of its pulse of light.

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