
Exposure Delay Mode


On some DSLRS and Z-series cameras you will have a menu setting called ‘Exposure Delay Mode.’ This can be found in the Custom Settings menu (pencil icon) and in the ‘D’ menu option ‘Shooting/display.’ Exposure Delay Mode is another way to trigger the camera to ensure that you do not get any vibrations from the movement of the shutter or mirror mechanism inside the camera. In the Exposure Delay Mode menu you would set a delay of, say, 3 secs (some cameras just have an On/off option). This tells the camera to take the image three seconds after you press the shutter button. A delay of three seconds is more than enough time for vibrations to subside in most cases, resulting in a sharp photograph. Exposure Delay Mode is best used when shooting on a tripod and with electronic front curtain shutter. It is not recommende­d to use Exposure Delay Mode when you’re shooting handheld, unless you can hold the camera completely still between pressing the shutter and the picture being taken.

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