NZ Gardener

More recipe ideas for persimmon


Persimmon & Earl Grey Tea Cake

Combine 150ml of boiling water with 1 Earl Grey (or Rooibos) tea bag. In a mixing bowl, whisk together 80g melted butter, ⅓ cup sugar and 3 eggs. In a separate bowl, combine 1 cup plain flour, ½ cup ground almonds or hazelnuts (or ⅓ cup extra flour), 1 teaspoon mixed spice, 1 teaspoon baking powder and ½ teaspoon baking soda. Peel 2 firm ‘Fuyu’ and cut into 1cm pieces. Discard the tea bag and mix the tea into the wet mixture. Add the dry ingredient­s and fruit. Fold together. Pour the batter into a lined, greased 20cm cake tin. Bake at 180C (fan 160C) for 35-40 minutes. Cool on a rack. Serve cake wedges with yoghurt or cream.

Persimmon & Ricotta Salad

Scatter into a salad bowl 2-3 handfuls of radicchio, endive and/or rocket. Peel and thinly slice a firm ‘Fuyu’, layer over the greens. Dot with 150g ricotta or torn mozzarella. Make a dressing of 1 tablespoon lemon juice, ½ teaspoon dijon mustard and 2 tablespoon­s olive oil. Season to taste. Spoon over salad. Chopped roasted hazelnut is also be a nice addition.

Spicy Persimmon Chutney

In a large wide-based saucepan, combine 1 chopped onion, 3 crushed garlic gloves, 1 tablespoon grated ginger root and 1 chopped red chilli. Scoop the flesh from 10-12 soft persimmons (about 1kg); peel and chop if using firmer fruit. Add to the pan along with ½ cup apple cider vinegar, ½ cup sugar and ½ star anise. Simmer for 30-40 minutes until thickened. Add extra vinegar or sugar if needed. Spoon the hot chutney into hot sterilised jars. Secure lids and cool. Store in a cool place and use within 6 months. Keep in the fridge once opened.

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