NZ House & Garden



We asked about your special holiday spots


Cobwebs Cottage in Riversdale Beach, Wairarapa, is the most peaceful place imaginable except for the calls of tūī and California quail and the soothing sound of the surf. It’s such a haven of peace that I have wallowed in bliss there 14 times. Walks fossicking among the rock pools and tideline searching for shells, kina, impossibly holey stones and perfect pāua shells. Always taking photos of found treasures and leaving them be, for the sea to take back what she’d proudly presented. Sunbathing seals an added bonus – from a distance! Reading on the deck in the most comfortabl­e chairs imaginable with a pot of tea and the latest copy of NZ House & Garden, forever grateful for New Zealand summers full of lazy days.

Ali King, Upper Hutt


Just been reading the Christmas edition here in Norway. No snow here yet, which is a pity, as it lightens up this dark time of the year. It takes a bit of getting used to and is so different from my early years growing up in Mission Bay, Auckland, just up from the beach. Thankfully, I have a visit home to look forward to during the summer. Janice Vinde, Norway


My husband and I are fortunate to have our home as our favourite holiday spot. We live on a 7ha orchard in Hahei on the Coromandel and wake up every morning to this sight from our deck. There is something special about watching the resident hawk circle the orchard looking for his breakfast. The chaffinche­s, tūī and sparrows pop by to see if there might be something special in our garden. The turkeys are our alarm clock as they stroll past the house in the early morning with their raucous calls – a good thing as it usually indicates that they are about to devour the contents of the kitchen garden so it gives my husband time to dash out and chase them off.

Jillian Johnston, Hahei


I would like to take this opportunit­y to say a BIG thank you for winning the wonderful Fermob table and seats. Wow is the only way I can describe it, and such a wonderful surprise. I have never won anything in my life.

Corinne Koppe, Rotorua

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