Old Bike Australasia

Wallsend now


The location of the photo in OBA 45 page 76 is Nelson Street, Wallsend. It appears to be the Wallsend Motor Cycle Club outside Plumridges Café where the Wallsend Club held meetings in 1935. ‘Scotty’ Sunderland appears to be Claire Hinchcliff­e Sunderland and Eric “Stanburer” was actually Eric Stanboroug­h. There was a John Purves Stanway Sunderland in the Lambton MCC, probably Scotty’s (Claire’s) brother. This is how the location appears today (top right). Peter Shannon Taree, NSW Another reader pointed out that the original photo (above) was taken on June 6th, 1935, after The Great Australian Scramble. – Ed

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