Old Bike Australasia

Metisse munch


Surfside Motorcycle Garage and Cafe at 42 Wimborne Road Brookvale NSW is hosting a special day for Rickman Metisse owners and enthusiast­s. Sunday 8th February is also Metisse founder Derek Rickman’s birthday, so that alone calls for a celebratio­n. If you are fortunate enough to own a Rickman or Metisse, bring it on a trailer, or better still ride it. The Rickman Register is also using this display as a means to see who wishes to attend the 2015 Penrite Broadford Bonanza next Easter as part of an Australia wide Rickman Metisse event. The day at Surfside will serve to register expression­s of interest and to ascertain who needs transport to get there, be it for bikes or personally. Everyone is welcome on the 8th, so contact John Matthews on 0403 394940, mornings preferred and no text messages please.

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