Old Bike Australasia

Motorcycli­ng Adventures in Sri Lanka


By Michael Rohan Sourjah Published by Bay Owl Press ISBN: 978-955-1723-45-3 Paperback 328 pages Price Aus$25.00 + postage To order: email Rohan.Sourjah@gmail.com Ph: 0438 264632 Sri-Lankan born and now Australian resident Michael Rohan Sourjah is, among many other things, a motorcycle tour operator who has travelled extensivel­y around the world, and has ridden his Royal Enfield more than 100,000 km in countries including Sri Lanka, where he is a member of the local Royal Enfield Riders Club. He says his inspiratio­n for his latest book “is to give readers an insight into the adventures and experience­s that amazing Sri Lanka (“The Pearl of the Indian Ocean”) has to offer. His business, Serendib Motorcycli­ng Adventures, creates tailored journeys for groups who want to experience something a little different in their motorcycli­ng. This book covers his latest experience­s in Sri Lanka where “the food is good, the living is easy and the best way to enjoy it is of course by getting on a motorcycle and doing a road trip on the back roads, leaving the cities far behind.”

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