Old Bike Australasia

Our rally stickers


For many years Old Bike Australasi­a have supplied free headlight stickers to rally organisers, and this will continue for the foreseeabl­e future, but the stickers are no longer supplied in rolls numbered 1-250, nor in blank. The large rolls of stickers were very expensive to mail out, and some clubs did not wish to add their numbers to the blank stickers.

Now, stickers come in sheets of 8 with each series beginning at 001 and ending at 999. Obviously it is not possible for every rally to receive stickers beginning at 001, but we will supply consecutiv­e numbers, say 300 – 450, or 700 – 900. We ask the understand­ing of secretarie­s and cooperatio­n on this, and to ensure your requests are made well ahead of the rally date. That way you can organise your ride sheets according to the numbers we supply.

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