
There’s a theory that time moves more rapidly as people age - the more life people have behind them makes the time they have left feel shorter. When you’re a kid the Christmas break lasts forever, but the older you get the more fleeting the days become. That sounds a bit maudlin, but 2017 has been a year that has gone by in a flash. Last week it was January and now I’m here putting the finishing touches on the last regular issue of the year and planning the first of 2018.

Part of the reason that the year has gone by so quickly could be the fact that it has been such a busy year in terms of releases. On the gaming front there have been steady releases throughout the year, with no real flat point, just moments of slowing. On the technology side, 2017 has been a huge year. This year we’ve had the GTX 10 series cards, the Vega cards, Ryzen chips, Coffee Lake, the requisite new sku of motherboar­ds to support the new chipsets, tonnes of new peripheral­s, new monitor technology and aspect ratios, faster SSDs and a heap more.

On top of that there has been the consistent rise of esports as a thing, the changing face of the way people interact with games and gaming, and the scandals that have demanded their share of attention, too. There hasn’t been time to sit and reflect, as everyday this year has brought something new to monopolise our attention and time. This is why, as I’ve said so many times in the past, this is such an exciting industry. It moves at the speed of innovation and rarely stops for a breather.

Anyway, now we have to finish off the PCPP Tech Handbook, so have a good Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Festivus, Decemberwe­en, Saturnalia, Yule, Newtonmas, Hogmanay, Chalica, holidays or other festival, celebratio­n or ceremony I may have forgotten.

See you in 2018.

Daniel Wilks Proto-Santa @drwilkenst­ein

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