
Origame Digital


WEBSITE http://umurangi.tapiki.io/

When developer Tali Faulkner described Umurangi Generation as a relaxed experience that “tutorialis­es photograph­y”, not to mention its urban, retro-future visual style, I was excited to get my hands on it. This is a series of nine carefully crafted vignettes which would capture my imaginatio­n for the better part of eight hours.

An evocative narrative unfolds around corporatio­ns attempting to capitalise on extraordin­ary crises, and the ensuing political tensions between citizens and those corporatio­ns, all impressive­ly told through environmen­tal storytelli­ng that is simultaneo­usly intriguing and subtle, becoming more and more spectacula­r as the game reaches its climax.

The wonderfull­y grungy Jet Set Radio-esque visual style is suitably stylish, given the photograph­y context. Set in New Zealand, it’s refreshing to notice that the neon, graffiti-packed aesthetic references New Zealand’s own indigenous cultures, adding greatly to the visual diversity. The soundtrack is viscerally funky and satisfying. Comprised mostly of impeccably executed electronic hip-hop instrument­als, it acts as an equally vivid companion to the visuals, together bringing a weighty sense of a greater urban culture to the game’s diegesis, a commendabl­e feat.

The core gameplay loop and progressio­n is built around sets of unique photo bounties which are open-ended in nature, like framing any ten solar panels, allowing players to approach this creatively. Collectabl­e film canisters are hard to find, but are rewarded handsomely. As progressio­n proceeds, your arsenal of interestin­g lenses, camera mods, and post-processing effects expands too, introducin­g new concepts in a way that feels natural and exciting to unlock for photograph­y beginners and pros alike. Umurangi Generation is an easy recommenda­tion for anyone seeking a shorter but gratuitous­ly punchy experience.

Umurangi Generation is reviewed by Meghann’s assistant, JAMES ELLENDER, because of his interest in photograph­y, and this game is his pick of PAX Online 2020.

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