Fields of Glory II

FIELD OF GLORY II: MEDIEVAL is a solid but safe tabletop-style treat.

- By Jon Bolding

The cavalry is here, y’all! Actually, the cavalry has always been here. We started with the cavalry. This ain’t no Ancients-era Field of Glory game. Gone are the legionarie­s and barbarians, replaced instead with ranks of spearmen and the thunderous charge of knights in enough armour to make a toaster blush. Field of Glory II: Medieval delivers an authentic tabletop miniatures wargame experience, but just like a historical wargame whether you like that experience is going to be all about whether you like the rules.

This is a wargamer’s wargame. There’s no nice music. The graphics are barebones. The UI is pretty basic. You’ll want to memorise hotkeys. What there is are 50+ hours of historical scenarios and campaigns. The famous battles give you a prearrange­d battlefiel­d and let you pick a side, then customise it a bit. The campaigns give you good context on a fixed route while still letting you make decisions about your army’s compositio­n.

Multiplaye­r is handled in the same asynchrono­us style as past Field of Glory games, which is disappoint­ing and frustratin­g if you want to finish a match in one sitting. It’s just functional enough if you can only sit down to play for 15 minutes at a time. Very unimpressi­ve and underwhelm­ing.

FOG II: Medieval’s battles focus on historical simulation over clever or puzzle-like tactics scenarios. It delivers that in spades, with the kind of battles a history buff salivates over. They’re dynamic and unpredicta­ble, forcing you into surprising scenarios when troops unexpected­ly flee or the enemy makes a surge. You use those rules to take an array of historical factions through the scenarios.

Randomly generated battles and campaigns are nice, simple, and pretty customisab­le – you can ask yourself questions like “what if the Mongols made it to France?” or “what if Sweden invaded England?”. The custom campaigns don’t have much strategic depth, but they do let you carry an army from one fight to the next. They’re also excellent if you like the idea of connected scenarios you didn’t personally plan: ambushes,

rearguard actions and the like aren’t usually situations you put yourself in on purpose. Some of the longer ones will take you a couple of hours.

Battles take so long to play because they’re a medieval meatgrinde­r. Troops lock each other into melee, only sometimes falling back or escaping from that melee due to morale breaking or combat results – neither of which are something you particular­ly have control over once the brawl begins. Your job is more often than not about choosing favourable positionin­g and matchups for your troops. You try to deploy your spearmen to tie down the enemy’s knights, your light troops in difficult terrain and your cavalry to break through the enemy line.


That’s where the era’s premier units really shine. Armoured knights on horses are dangerous shock cavalry, shattering lines of unarmoured, unmounted men into routs. Wellarmour­ed foot soldiers can stop them in their path, though, so you have to be careful where you commit your elite troops. Once the enemy starts to run, as is true of the medieval period, your knights are liable to chase them all the way to the edge of the battlefiel­d – sometimes even beyond. It can result in hilarious unexpected situations and is generally a delight.

That aside, some of the game just doesn’t feel properly medieval. The time period starts at 1040 and runs to 1270, stopping just short of the grandiose 14th century finale of armoured knights, longbows, and mercenary crossbowme­n. The ruleset’s emphasis on flanking manoeuvres over numerical advantage makes a lot of sense in the ancients period, but it feels silly when three units of elite infantry can’t make a squad of enemy recruits flee in a single simultaneo­us assault.

Finally, the fights just tend to stick in one place for too long. It’s most noticeable in a scenario like Hastings. The battlefiel­d was supposedly a very dynamic place as one side or the other broke formation to pursue the routing enemy, only to be caught up in a counteratt­ack. In Field of Glory II’s model, fleeing troops only rarely rally and come back to the fight, and you can’t set up a fake retreat to lure the AI out of position.

Those shortcomin­gs don’t dull the thrill of victory. The way battles hang on tense moments and unknown outcomes from chaotic melees is no less tense in Medieval than in other Field of Glory games. There are a lot of wargames on PC, and it’s nice to see the medieval period finally get some turn-based love.

Battles take so long to play because they’re a medieval meatgrinde­r

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