HUE FLOWING is a platformer dripping with style


Filling in a map is one of the best things in games. The best and the worst, as you may find your perfection­ist tendencies taking over. Surprising­ly, that didn’t happen for me in Hue Flowing, probably because it’s only 15 minutes long.

The entire level is swaddled in a thick fog of war, and you can only clear it by jumping around. The arc of your jump removes the foggy top layer of the canvas, revealing a world of pretty floating islands below.

It is odd, to jump in a platformer and not know if you’re going to land safely on a platform, or tumble into the void. However, for the most part death is no bother, simply taking you back to the last platform you were on. Your first few minutes are a frenzy of leaping and drawing, as you gradually fill in the map.

The most satisfying thing about Hue Flowing is a visual effect that I suspect impacts the performanc­e. Your leaping brush-strokes trickle down the screen, as if they’re dripping water. It feels like you’re painting with watercolou­rs.

Oh, and underneath all that map-filling there’s an enjoyable micro-platformer: a Metroidvan­ia where you go from chump to God.

With Celeste-like controls, Hue Flowing goes beyond it in a way by giving you double, then triple… ultimately six jumps before you need to hit the ground. It feels obscene, in a good way, but you’ll need them all to beat some difficult platformin­g sections, and reach the ending.

Not that there is a proper ending, but the satisfacti­on of mastering this world, and uncovering its floating islands, is enough.

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 ?? ?? BELOW: You remove the top layer to reveal the world below.
BELOW: You remove the top layer to reveal the world below.

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