Pharmacy Daily

Dispensary Corner


A BRITISH man suspected of swallowing a drug stash has been freed a‰er he refused to go to the toilet for over six weeks.

24‐year‐old Lamarr Chambers was arrested in Essex on 17 Jan and charged with two counts of possessing class A drugs, reports The Independen­t.

He allegedly swallowed a package of crack cocaine and heroin while being chased by officers from the police gang and urban street crime unit.

The alleged offender refused to be X‐rayed or take laxa ves during his me in custody, with police twee ng daily updates of what they described as “poo watch”.

A‰er a series of seven hearings on extending his stay in the cells, the alleged offender was released “following medical and legal advice,” with a spokesman saying ‘his health, wellbeing and dignity were paramount at all mes”.

Surely one of the drugs the man swallowed must have been Imodium!

FRED was like a fish out of water ‐ well actually, he was indeed a fish out of water.

Found unexpected­ly flounderin­g on the floor of a kitchen in Bristol, UK, Fred the fish was alive and well and comfortabl­y transferre­d to a saucepan, not for cooking but simply because it was a handy container of water.

But how did Fred find himself in such a waterless predicamen­t?

Clue: Thor the cat (pictured) was si‘ng beside him ‐ hmmm.

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