Pharmacy Daily

NanaBis available on MCMP


COMMUNITY pharmacies are being invited to open accounts with Medlab Clinical in order to access the company’s new NanaBis oromucosal pain spray, which is available via the Medicinal Cannabis Medicines Portal (MCMP) effec ve from today.

NanaBis is a non-ARTG schedule 8 medica on which is indicated for the improvemen­t of systems related to intractabl­e pain in cancer pa ents.

The product is currently in clinical trial (PD 24 Apr) and is available under the Approved Prescriber Scheme and Special Access Scheme Category B through the MCMP.

The MCMP is an ini a ve of PharmaProg­rams, developed by Sinapse Pty Ltd as an ITenabled health system that helps pa ents by improving access to pharmaceu cal treatments and programs with the support of their doctor and pharmacist.

Prior to ordering NanaBis for pa ents, pharmacies will need an account with Medlab, with Sinapse urging that this be set up as soon as possible to ensure the pharmacy is ready for the first request.

Account opening procedures require the pharmacy to demonstrat­e its qualifica on for storing and handling Schedule 8 controlled drugs, in the form of a Pharmacy Registra on Cer ficate or an Agreement with Medicare and the matching owner pharmacist’s AHPRA registra on cer ficate.

In addi on to facilita ng supply of NanaBis, a structured pharmacy support program is an integral part of the MCMP, which provides a streamline­d process for medicinal cannabis prescribin­g and dispensing.

Sinapse noted there were also addi onal pharmacy and prescriber resources available via the MCMP website, including a CMI document and a NanaBis pricing table.

More informa on is available on 1300 364 231 or via email on mcmp@pharmaprog­

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