Pharmacy Daily

Dispensary Corner


STOMACH upsets, respirator­y problems or just about anything medical - no problems, six billion cockroache­s will fix anything, or so a Chinese company believes.

Chengdu-based Gooddoctor Pharmaceut­ical Group is breeding these little miracles in a mul ‐ storey building the size of two sports fields, according to the South China Morning Post.

Inside the ar ficial intelligen­ce (AI)-controlled breeding site, the environmen­t is described as “warm, humid, and dark” all year round, with every detail of food and moisture monitored by AI, which learns from historical data to determine the best condi ons for peak roach reproducti­on.

The billions of roaches are crushed to create a healing po on sold to more than 4,000 hospitals across China and being used by some 40 million pa ents, the report says - like snake oil, most likely not crawling with evidence. A UNIVERSITY in China has come up with a unique way to encourage more physical ac vity from its students.

The uni’s upcoming annual sports day will feature a new “500 gram grenade toss” event, which has been introduced after a noted reluctance to par cipate in tradi onal athle c ac vi es such as javelin and discus.

When replaced with grenade tossing, “students rushed to sign up,” officials said.

Participan­ts will be throwing weighted replicas of a Type

23 s ck grenade, which was originally used by the German military in World War 2 and later adopted by the Chinese army.

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