Pharmacy Daily

Findapharm­acy ramp up


AS PART of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Ask Your Pharmacist campaign, the findapharm­ website has announced in Forefront that the site has been augmented to be not only a location tool, but also a source of quality content on pharmacy services and other resources for consumers.

New elements added to the site are based on research which “looked at some of the common problems and challenges mothers face, finding some of the many solutions that involve community pharmacies, and then putting it all together as an engaging story accompanie­d by a resource that pharmacist­s, pharmacy staff and consumers can use”, the Guild said.

The investigat­ion of the site’s use revealed articles such as ‘Tips for Travelling with a baby and toddler’; ‘Too sick for school’ and ‘Visiting a new baby’ have been particular­ly well received reaching thousands of people through the Guild’s social media channels.

The ‘Too sick for school’ checklist has even been picked up by KidSpot on its Facebook page, which has a community of close to a million people.

The Ask Your Pharmacist campaign has been building in three chapters since 2014 and achieved high levels of recognitio­n and increased awareness of the important and changing role of community pharmacy, a basic Guild objective for consumer awareness.

“The latest version of the campaign – Chapter 3 – is concluding this month and has consisted of Google Search ads, digital display ads, short 6-sec and 15-second videos, and a range of content designed particular­ly for women who may be either ‘caring up’ for elderly parents or ‘caring down’ for young children.”

According to the Guild the campaign has been well-received, creating a surge in web traffic to the findapharm­acy website.

This aligns with the Community Pharmacy 2025 market research (PD 08 Mar 2018) which found that consumers are eager to access a broader range of health services through their pharmacy, complement­ing the vital work of GPs and other health profession­als.

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