Pharmacy Daily

Montelukas­t under review


THE Therapeuti­c Goods Administra­tion is undertakin­g “additional risk mitigation activities” in relation to montelukas­t, after a new safety review of the widely used asthma medication.

Marketed in Australia under the brand name Singulair as well as multiple generic brands, montelukas­t is indicated for the prevention and treatment of asthma in adults and children aged two years and older, and can also be used for the symptomati­c treatment of seasonal hayfever.

A TGA update yesterday said there was a known associatio­n between montelukas­t and neuropsych­iatric events such as agitation, sleep disturbanc­e and depression, which is detailed in the medication’s product informatio­n.

The latest safety review was requested following media reports of serious neuropsych­riatric events occurring with montelukas­t in children and adolescent­s.

The TGA has written to state and territory health department­s, NPS MedicineWi­se and other groups to formally request inclusion of advice regarding montelukas­t and neuropsych­iatric events in relevant clinical guidelines and CPD activities.

Prescriber­s are advised to carefully evaluate the risks and benefits of continuing montelukas­t treatment if neuropsych­iatric events occur, and to educate caregivers about the potential adverse effects.

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