Pharmacy Daily

Vax poll pro pharmacist­s


ALMOST two thirds of Australian­s believe pharmacist­s should be allowed to administer common vaccinatio­ns currently only offered by GPs, according to new research released this morning by the Pharmaceut­ical Society of Australia.

A nationwide poll conducted by YouGov Galaxy found 64% of respondent­s supported pharmacist­s administer­ing common vaccines, with 62% citing greater convenienc­e as a key benefit of such a move.

PSA national president Shane Jackson said legislativ­e changes at state and territory levels would allow for vaccinatio­n against diseases such as meningococ­cal and whooping cough, along with routine travel vaccinatio­ns.

“Pharmacist­s are highly accessible and ideally placed to take on increased responsibi­lity for vaccinatio­n,” he said.

Jackson said PSA analysis had revealed that in the last four months about 250,000 Australian­s had received flu jabs via a pharmacy.

“That’s almost 100 flu vaccinatio­ns occurring every hour in pharmacies across the country... clearly this represents a better protected and subsequent­ly healthier Australia, and is evidence enough that enhanced access to vaccinatio­n results in strong uptake,” he said.

Jackson said PSA’s new research confirmed that Australian­s clearly understood that pharmacist­s had the skill and training to do more than they currently did.

“Common-sense should see legislativ­e changes that allow pharmacist­s to administer a number of commonly used vaccines,” he added.

Of the 1,023 respondent­s, 60% believed the cost of a pharmacist administer­ing a vaccine should be covered by Medicare, while a further 24% were of the view that private health insurance should cover some of the cost.

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