Pharmacy Daily

MedAdvisor automates 6CPA claiming


MEDADVISOR has integrated with the Pharmacy Programs Administra­tor (PPA) Claiming Portal to automate claiming for 6CPA programs through the PlusOne PlaMorm.

The plaMorm removes the need to manually submit via the PPA Portal.

Once pharmacist­s have completed the one‐off registra on process, the system will do the remainder of the work.

Automa c claiming for MedsChecks and Diabetes MedsChecks services will be progressiv­ely ac vated across all MedAdvisor network pharmacies over the next few weeks, with other 6CPA programs and Health Outcomes Data entry will be enabled for automa c claiming as soon as they become available.

Robert Read, MedAdvisor Chief Execu ve Officer, said “we are proud to be the first provider to enable this for our network...our goal is to make medica on more manageable for pa ents.”

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