Pharmacy Daily

Dispensary Corner


ANY customer-facing role can have a bad day - here’s one to let you know you are not alone.

The scene is a pharmacy in suburban London, UK.

The pharmacist (Ph) was at the counter:

Ph: “Is there anything you need help with?”

Customer: “Yes, actually. Could you help me get this box open?”

Ph: “I’m afraid not. If you open it you will have to buy it.”

Customer: “But I don’t want to buy it until I know what’s inside.”

Ph: “I’m afraid there’s no other way around it. Once the box is open I am not allowed to sell it to anyone else.”

Customer: “I just want to know what colour the pills are.”

Ph: “There’s an example on the box.”

Customer: “Yes, but they always try to trick you.”

She manages to get the box open and takes a strip out. Customer: “See! They’re blue.” Ph: “That’s the packaging.” She then pops one pill out and inspects it.

Customer: “Well, would you look at that? It’s pink. That’s exactly what I want!”

She puts the box and pill on the shelf and picks up an unopened box.

Ph: “Actually, if you could give me the box you opened, I’ll just sell you that one.”

Customer: “You can’t do that! It’s been opened. You have no idea what happened to it!”

Have you a ;) story to share with us and your colleagues?

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