Pharmacy Daily

NSW regulator raids ORT pharmacies


NEW South Wales Health has recently conducted a blitz against pharmacies which provide opioid-replacemen­t therapy (ORT) services, resulting in members of PDL seeking support in handling regulator inquiries, the indemnity insurance provider has advised in its latest Practice Alert.

Inspection­s have been, and will continue to be, conducted without notice at any time, with breaches being very quickly reported to the regulator, PDL said.

“Pharmacy inspectors will check the inventory of ORT products, check the prescripti­ons for ORT clients, observe the dosing of ORT and take photograph­s of the premises and any other component of ORT dispensing that is deemed necessary,” the alert explained.

Penalties such as restrictio­ns on practice for pharmacy owners and employed pharmacist­s can be imposed.

“These incidents highlight the importance of adhering to current State-based legislatio­n when dealing with all S8 medication­s, including ORT products such as methadone syrup, Subutex and Suboxone.”

PDL reports that common discrepanc­ies found included: poor record keeping, Dangerous Drugs (DD) register not available for inspection, or filled out by nonpharmac­ist staff.

Some inspection­s have found entries in the DD register crossed out, missing or incomplete, or methadone and biodone recorded on the same page.

There have also been instances of large discrepanc­ies of quantities of opioids used in ORT, all of which should be reported to the Pharmacy Regulation Unit, while storage and security issues around S8 products were also identified.

Performing regular self-audits and training will ensure that, should an inspection occur, the pharmacy can display compliance in the area of ORT, PDL recommende­d.

Reference documents are available - CLICK HERE or HERE.

PDL members are urged to ensure they have these documents available either in hard copy in the pharmacy or in an electronic form.

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