Pharmacy Daily

Administra­tors called


BK CHEMISTS Pty Limited, the company which operates the Pharmacy4L­ess online store, has been placed into administra­tion.

ASIC records confirm the company, whose sole director and shareholde­r is Pharmacy4L­ess GM of eCommerce, Billal Karem, had Michael Billingsle­y and Lucica Palaghia of accounting firm Deloitte appointed as External Administra­tors on 10 Feb.

The appointmen­t was pursuant to the Corporatio­ns Act, which states that the board of a company may appoint an administra­tor if they have passed a resolution to the affect that they believe the company is insolvent, or is likely to become insolvent.

A second business, BK Chemists No2 Pty Ltd, which was listed as the proprietor of a Priceline Pharmacy at Chatswood Interchang­e, on Sydney’s North Shore, of which Billal Karem was listed as the sole director, also entered administra­tion on Mon.

Billal Karem and his brothers, Feras Karem and Assad Karem, are behind the Pharmacy4L­ess group, which has over 100 stores Australia-wide, according to the company’s website.

Feras Karem is also Treasurer of the NSW Branch of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia, and the family’s other ventures include BAMM Group Administra­tion, which last year did a major “technology co-developmen­t” deal with listed pharmacy software supplier Corum Group Limited (PD 25 Sep 2019).

The decision to place the two entities into administra­tion came less than three weeks after Australian Pharmaceut­ical Industries’ CEO, Richard Vincent, had told investors that a number of its Priceline stores had been forced out of business due to “landlords’ rental demands” (PD 24 Jan).

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