Pharmacy Daily

Cyber top risk for SMEs


DATA breaches, ransomware attacks, spoofing emails and the prospect of litigation resulting from cyber incidents are the top risks facing small to mediumsize­d enterprise­s (SMEs) globally, the 2020 Allianz Risk Barometer reveals.

Based on the results of an internatio­nal survey of SMEs, concerns about cyber incidents topped the list ahead of supply chain business interrupti­on and legislativ­e and regulatory reforms.

The barometer results follow a Fred IT blog noting cyber attacks against Australian businesses surged 700% between 2018 and 2019, costing $7.8 billion.

The blog warned pharmacist­s were not immune from the threat of cyber attacks.

“The health and medication data that you deal with every day increases the likelihood that you will become a target of cybercrime,” the Fred blog said.

“The same applies to all health service providers.

“This is because health data can be extremely valuable to cyber criminals.

“All cybercrimi­nals are looking for informatio­n – such as personal and address informatio­n, banking and credit card details, and business informatio­n – that they can re-sell on the dark web.

“But health data is potentiall­y more valuable than financial and personal informatio­n alone.

“This is why its important that you stay informed about the risks and actively protect your pharmacy’s cyber security in the same way that you would protect other areas of your business.”

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