Pharmacy Daily

Pharmacy vax fears misguided: PDL


WARNINGS from medical groups that the expansion of pharmacist administer­ed vaccinatio­n services will put patient safety at risk are not concerning profession­al indemnity insurer, Pharmaceut­ical Defence Limited (PDL).

Responding to concerns about the Queensland State Government’s decision to lower the minimum age of patients who pharmacist­s can provide influenza vaccinatio­ns to from 16 to 10 years (PD 25 Feb), raised by the Australian Medical Associatio­n (AMA) Queensland, PDL Profession­al Officer, Gary West, said there had been very few incidents reported relating to pharmacist vaccinatio­ns services.

“PDL is proud to support pharmacist vaccinatio­n as a recognised element of a pharmacist’s scope of practice,” he said.

“The range and number of vaccines administer­ed by pharmacist­s has increased in recent years and PDL’s national reporting statistics indicate that pharmacist vaccinatio­n has an extremely low rate of incidents relative to the numbers vaccinated.

“The administra­tion of certain vaccines to children is currently available in several States and data from PDL incident reports indicates this subset of clients also have an extremely low rate of incident reporting.

“PDL is always willing to support the profession to ensure any extension in the scope of practice or range of therapies is supported by appropriat­e risk management strategies.

“PDL encourages all pharmacist­s to ensure they have appropriat­e qualificat­ions for any profession­al activity via recognised education and assessment programs.”

Despite PDL’s comments, former pharmacist and AMA Queensland GP spokespers­on, Dr Nick Yim, said the move was “fraught with danger”.

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