Pharmacy Daily

COVID HMS funding extension sought


PHARMACY owners are calling on the Federal Government to extend its funding for the Home Medicines Service (HMS) announced as part of the initial $2.4 billion COVID-19 health package (PD 12 Mar).

In a video update Pharmacy Guild of Australia Victorian Branch President, Anthony Tassone, told members that the funding to deliver medicines to patients’ homes is currently due to expire at the end of this month.

“We have written to the Federal Health Minister, Greg Hunt, and Treasurer, Josh Frydenburg, seeking an extension of that home delivery service due to the circumstan­ces that we’re currently in,” he said.

“We’re hopeful that we will have some success there, at least for Victoria, but we will keep members updated.

“In the meantime the program is due to run out at the end of Sep.

“Please continue to claim the home delivery payment - it’s $7.77 for each eligible patient that’s payable once a month.”

At a Victorian level, Tassone said emergency orders enabling continued dispensing and dispensing using a digital image, which are due to expire in the coming weeks, are expected to be extended by the State Government.

“These Public Health Emergency Orders are currently due to expire on 27 Sep [for emergency supply of prescripti­on medicines] and 06 Oct [for dispensing using a digital image],” he said.

“Now the Victorian Department of Human Services is likely to extend these emergency orders by another six months, [and] that announceme­nt should be coming pretty soon.”

Tassone also noted that changes to the JobKeeper program have been announced, and urged pharmacy owners to contact the Guild’s Workplace Relations team if they have any questions regarding the scheme.

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