Pharmacy Daily

Rural pharmacy facing triple threat


URGENT action is needed to support the continued viability of rural pharmacies, the Rural Pharmacy Network Australia (RPNA) believes.

A spokespers­on for the organisati­on told Pharmacy Daily that small rural and remote stores have been “smashed by the triplewham­my of extreme workforce shortages, higher relative workloads and escalating wages”.

“We’re sick of all the empty talk that happens around the pharmacy workforce, especially ludicrous claims by some inner city pharmacy owners that rural and outer- metro areas are no worse-off than average,” the spokespers­on said.

“We did a national and state-bystate breakdown of the pharmacist to population ratios and found that while [pharmacies in] Modified Monash Model (MMM) areas one to four are mostly meeting the 2018 Royal Flying Doctors Service benchmark of 75 pharmacist­s per 100,000, MMM five and seven [pharmacies] nationally and MMM six in NSW, are falling drasticall­y short.

“The claim that this is the same problem sector-wide simply doesn’t hold water.”

The RPNA noted that the benchmark’s ratios did not take into account the healthcare burden and care requiremen­ts faced in rural pharmacies, further exacerbati­ng the current workforce crisis, which had unfolded over the last 15 to 20 years.

“The time for tinkering at the edges of the problem has passed,” the spokespers­on said.

“It’s hard to find a rural proprietor who believes that immigratio­n measures can adequately address their problems and most believe that targeted financial incentives are the only way forward.

“It’s simplistic to the point of childishne­ss to think you can fix this without devoting large amounts of money to the problem.

“Our members are increasing­ly telling us that all options should be on the table, including things like weighting PBS dispensing fees according to the relative disadvanta­ge of pharmacy locations.

“At the very least we need a comprehens­ive and properly funded Workforce Incentive Program that recognises Community Pharmacy’s vital role in rural primary healthcare.”

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