Photo Plus

Top ten tips for Shooting cities


Plan ahead

Do your research online before you arrive to find the most photogenic locations in the city, work out transport links, times of day to shoot, and plan how best to capture as many as shots as possible in one area.

Hotel location

I always choose an affordable hotel, but one that’s in the best location for photo spots. It saves you loads of time, as otherwise you’d be using public transport, and means you’re in position ready to shoot at first and last light.

Postcards from the edge

Check out postcards in tourist shops for inspiratio­n on what places have photograph­ic potential – but don’t just replicate, aim to get better shots or unique ones of your own.

Walk, walk, walk

I always enjoy walking around new cities to take in atmosphere and scenery, but you also discover great shots that would otherwise be missed if you’re in a bus, train or taxi.

No tripod?

If you haven’t brought a tripod and are using slower shutter speeds for adding motion blur, use anything to hand to put your camera on – Matt used the floor, his bag, a wall and even the top of a bin when shooting in amsterdam!

aperture priority

Shoot in av mode and use an aperture of around f/5.6 to f/8 with focal lengths between 16mm and 50mm for sharp shots of buildings.

the early bird

get up and out early for the best light just after sunrise and to beat the crowds for emptier streets and squares in your city shots.

rate my photos

after each day I’ll review my images on camera and rate them with 1, 2 and 3 stars to speed up editing in lightroom on my laptop later in the hotel or at home.

keep your eyes open

not all European cities are as safe, friendly and welcoming as amsterdam, so be careful if you’re shooting in remote or dodgy spots on your own. at night it’s better to head out in pairs or groups.

People and portraits

as well as the beautiful architectu­re, culture, traditions and landscapes, also look to photograph the people who live, work and visit cities.

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